United Energy RAP Plan
This artwork is to speak on Country connections with the Bunurong community. The river though the middle is representing First Peoples connections to water as we need this to live and look after country, the pink lines and marks are to speak on our community and journey we take though life. The purple dots and lines connecting represent United Energy and power moving through our city, but also to speak to the connection and journey that our Elders and leaders who are in the Dreamtime, looking over us every day. I have used groups of five throughout the artwork to represent our connection with our grandmothers who all Bunurong people descend from. You will see the men’s symbol that speaks to hunting and the woman’s symbol that speaks to gathering, this is a big part of our life and culture and I have used some symbols to speak on my grandparents and family that played a big part of my upbringing and shaping me to be the adult I am today trying to make change for my Bunurong community and wider. Bringing awareness and understanding to culture and our stories. Lastly, the symbols represent our life and journey.